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Val Thorens in black & white

Here's a few photos from the Val Thorens trip in black & white. I ended up having some decent photos although not nearly as many as I would've hoped. I'll probably post at least some apres ski and club shots later on, possibly some more photos of actual skiing and snowboarding too if I find stuff I like ones I properly go through them.

Things didn't quite go to plan

In my last post (which was ages ago), I raved about how excited I was to be going to the Alps and how I was going to fill this space with photos of the pretty mountains and so on... Well that isn't going to happen.

You know how sometimes things just really, really don't go your way? This trip was one of those times for me. Stressed out about final year (exams, dissertation and so on) I had a hard time getting excited for the trip in the first place which is very unlike me, I'm always graving for a trip somewhere. I managed to get excited just before going, but that ended the very evening we got to the resort. My bag somehow managed to go missing on the way or when we got to the resort, no one really knows or understands how. I mean how do you lose a bag from a bus? Somehow it still happened, only my snowboard bag and what I had in my hand luggage made it there. That meant I had my camera, my toothbrush, mascara and lip balm, my snowboard, my snowboard pants, a few hoodies and the clothes I had on me. That's not great when you're looking to spend a week there.
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