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This month - February

I can't believe it's already the 9th of March. I'm so late with this post and everything else too at the moment. I did manage to go on a great road trip to Manchester and back the other weekend with a few friends to unwind, but other than that my dissertation is just slowly sucking out all the life in me. After a 9-5 in the library I have no energy for anything other than a bit of TV, food and my bed. It doesn't help that the deadline is getting closer and closer and I still have so much to do...

Anyway, here are a few of my favourites from February:

I loved Brighton as I've already mentioned in my previous post. It was such a lovely place with little quirky shops and streets, cute little cafes and restaurants. The beach was lovely as well, I'm so tempted to find time closer to the summer to go back.

Restaurant - FOODILIC
I already raved about this restaurant in my Brighton post, but it was the best place I've eaten at in a while, in terms of both the food and the price. I went on their website to check if they'd have a restaurant closer to me right after I had finished eating, but sadly they're currently only in Brighton and London. Yet another reason to make me wonder why I'm not living in one of those cities.

There's a few reasons why I felt change was the word for this month. For one, I finally managed to start being productive with university work, especially dissertation, and other aspects of my life, too. That's felt like such a positive change, I've felt a lot better and confident that I'll actually graduate haha. I've also started to realise my live is changing a lot in the next few months since finishing university means I actually have to decide what to do with my life. 

TV show - SUITS
I've been obsessed with Suits for a while now. I had been meaning to start watching it for a really long time, but for some reason I never did. When I finally started in January (just before exams, of course), I couldn't stop watching. By now, I've watched almost all episodes twice, and I'm not even ashamed to admit it. It's a perfect mix of humour, drama and good looking men.

I developed a terrible never-ending craving for chocolate chip cookies this past month. I just couldn't stop wanting them, and the local Sainsbury's had them on offer as well, just £1 for a bag of four cookies... I'm embarrassed to admit I went to buy them way too many times. I really need to step it up and get back to the gym this month. 

I actually found this band through Suits. I was really in need of some new music, and this was definitely a great find for me. After hearing this I went straight to Last.fm and Youtube to check out their other songs, and although there are not that many, they are all good. I've been playing them on repeat for a while now.

I've used this app daily since I got it at the beginning of February and it's helped me so much. I realised I needed a to-do list app to stay on top of everything I need to do from university work to applying for jobs, and it really has made a difference. I have it on both my phone and my laptop, and since I literally spend my entire day staring at the screen in the library, it's such a useful thing to have on the side of my desktop.
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